Production Country: USA
Running Time: 87mins
Year: 2022

Filmed over an expanse of 25 years, two brothers go on a 2,000-mile road trip to solve a family mystery. Sam Harkness and his older half brother Reed employ their creative world of fiction filmmaking to dive headfirst into dealing with the issue at hand: Sam’s mom is missing.

Director: Reed Harkness
Producer: Jason Reid, Reed Harkness, Adam Spiro Brown, Heather Hawksford
Exec Producer: Lois Vossen, Sally Jo Fifer, Andy Mcdonough, Colin Harper Plank, David J. Cornfield, D.D. Wigley
Writer: Reed Harkness
DOP: Reed Harkness
Editor: Darren Lund, Jason Reid
Sound Design: IMRSV Sound
Composer: Roger Neill
VFX: Darren Lund
Animation: Reed Harkness

Cast: Sam Harkness, Jared Harkness, Reed Harkness, Randy Harkness, Ned Harkness, Jim Bailey, Peter Whitney, George Bailey, Jois Harkness, Doris Harkness, Cindy Howard, Karen Milnor, Will Thorne, Justin Merrill, Kelly Merrill, Phil Mottet, Teene Taylor, Linda Beard, Larry Taylor, Gigi Paddock, Tim Nickodemus, Claire Suver, Chayo Wilson, Nicole Georges, Ed Gosselin, Bailey Zanhiser, Nina Zanhiserl, River Harkness

Middlebury New Filmmakers Festival August 2023
Barnes Film Festival June 2023
Milwaukee Film Festival April 2023
Cleveland International Film Festival March 2023
Manchester Film Festival March 2023
Sonoma International Film Festival March 2023
Santa Fe Film Festival February 2023
Sedona International Film Festival February 2023
Big Sky Documentary Film Festival February 2023



