
Production Country: USA
Running Time: 12mins
Year: 2021

David and Andrew must both donate sperm for equal shots at Bio-dad to their future child. While sexed-up David is a bottomless supply, uptight Andrew runs dry. Andrew begins to unravel at deeper thoughts of fatherhood. Only David can stop his spiral.

Director: Jason Laurits
Producer: Jeanette Bonner, Jason Laurits
Screenwriter: Jason Laurits
DOP: Derek Amengual
Editor: Kate Emerson
Sound Design: Brett Van Deusen, Kate Emerson
Composer: Steven Plesnarski
Production Design: Jason Laurits, Michael McEnery
Costume Design: Jason Laurits, Nina Valenti

Cast: James Tison, Joe MacDougall, Zuhairah McGill, Debra Toscano, Jamie Askew, Dan Domingues

Cambria Film Festival February 2023
YoFiFest, The Yonkers Film Festival December 2022
Austin Film Festival October 2022
Adirondack Film Festival October 2022
Indy Film Fest June 2022
Fastnet Film Festival May 2022
Poppy Jasper International Film Festival April 2022
Dam Short Film Festival February 2022


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