Reel Opinions – ALisa zolonz

Animator Alisa Zolonz is the artist behind the FF Slate Film “Love, Photosynthesis”. We caught up with her for the Animation Edition of our Insight Blog.

The hardest part about filmmaking is...
I’d say pretty much everything is challenging about filmmaking, with a notable exception, however, of that initial precious spark of your creative impulse, the very birth of an idea. That moment always feels most exhilarating to me, while everything else in the process usually turns out to be an uphill battle.

From assembling the right team to navigating budget constraints and completing the project, every step presents its own set of hurdles. This journey can span years, with endless rounds of writing and rewriting. Many of my friends, some of whom are highly successful writers, struggle with states of depression and doubt while in the midst of this process. I, too, find myself grappling with bouts of low spirits, as I endlessly revise my work without a clear end in sight, always questioning its quality until completion.

And you also cannot shake off the ever-present realization that, even after pouring lots of time and resources into a project, there’s still no guarantee of financial return or your work being taken up by festivals and at last reaching your audience.

Nonetheless, despite all these challenges, time and again, filmmakers like myself dive headfirst into the process. Why? Because we still love every aspect of it, from the initial idea to the final product. Despite the hardships and uncertainties, the thrill of seeing a rough cut, the high of writing that final draft, makes every struggle well worth the effort.

What is your favourite quote?
“The energy we give out is always returned back to us.” I'm not sure who said this, but it's definitely true. I try to live by this principle, always starting with self-reflection and personal responsibility.

What makes you want to see a film?
It definitely depends; different factors can influence my choice in different situations. However, typically, it's either seeing a good trailer or an interesting film poster, or getting a recommendation from my friends. Interestingly, I sometimes check out "right-wing" media to see what they're up to. If they heavily criticize a film or a show, I'm definitely watching it. That's exactly how I discovered Squid Game. Love it.

What is some career advice you wish you could give your younger self?
Secure a second job as soon as possible. You always need a fallback in this industry.

If filmmaking was an animal, what would it be?
Ah, it’s unmistakably feline – all frisky, independent, and might just show you who's boss by way of leaving a little unwanted surprise on your bed sheet if it feels it’s not getting the love. Yet, if you earn its trust and show it some TLC, who knows what could happen? Maybe, just maybe, it'll grace you with a fleeting moment of affection. And speaking of love, I'm as passionate about filmmaking as I am about cats – I've got a trio of furballs to prove it!


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